Jumper wire anyone?

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Jumper wire anyone?

Post by orion242 »

Tiny jumper wire in a electrical room of a school. Icing on the cake, the normally locked door to enter is screwed up and anyone can just walk in.

Copper thieves, curious kids...play with this!
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Re: Jumper wire anyone?

Post by Maxburn »

Was it a permanent fix? I see stuff like this so much on construction it doesn't even phase me any more.
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Re: Jumper wire anyone?

Post by orion242 »

From what I was told, that's was the fix and it had been like that for some time.
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Re: Jumper wire anyone?

Post by Maxburn »

Seen some really crappy things that just seem to hang around like that. Far as I'm concerned certificate of occupancy should require renewal every 10 years or so. Especially for things like schools and government buildings, those should set the standard. Also somehow churches get a huge pass on lots of stuff.
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Re: Jumper wire anyone?

Post by orion242 »

Renewal on occupancy seems like a good idea.

Just dealt with a atrium and the smoke exhaust not working. Its all hardwired to the FA system, but we wired it so all the calls come to me.

Its not working, wtf? I don't know you tell me. It was all working ~2yrs ago and was demonstrated to the AHJ. That system is supposed to be tested every week, did it just fail now? Not sure we are manually testing now, haven't done it in who knows how long.

Come to find out the entrance had a revolving door installed some time after turn over. Well part of the programming in the FA system, X out of Y number of doors need to swing open and prove before the smoke fans run. Some door where removed when the revolving door was installed and no one thought of getting the FA contractor back out to clean up the program. Tested weekly...lol sure.
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